Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thank God for HGTV

For 27 long years (and 3 months), I have anxiously awaited the board of The Miss America Pageant to cordially invite me to participate as a fierce competitor. Naturally, there were a few areas that I felt may hinder me from reaching the finals. One of those areas was the Talent Competition (2nd only to the Swim-Suit portion, of course).
The thoughts would race as I pondered what I could pull off as a talent: 
Singing - absolutely not. Baton twirling - no way (and I mean, if they aren't flaming batons...what really is the point). Ribbon Dancing - please, that is just ridiculous. Pop dancing - maybe with a professional coach and great music, perhaps by J-Lo or my girl, Britt.  
Current day, I have come to realize that my time to be in the Miss America Pageant has sadly passed. I am after all a married woman now. I can't very well be traveling the country and abroad adorning a sparkly,10c tiara. It's too bad though. I wanted to be the first contestant ever to offer a new talent. A crafty Do-it-yourselfer who could prove to millions that if Christopher Lowell can do it, SO CAN YOU! Bless his little heart.
The hubs and I bought us a quaint little home, built in 1948. Well, if there is one distinguishing difference between our generation and our grandparents. . . . it would have to be our generations obsession with materialistic things! I mean where did they store their millions of boxes of things that they haven't used in 2 years, but can't bear to part with???
SO...anyway....needless to say our home lacked in the storage department. We have done a few DIY projects that have not only increased the quality of our lives, but we feel it has made our home prettier, and more practical.
Unfortunately, I do not exactly have step-by-steps directions or photos on some of these previous projects, but I do, however, plan to keep you updated going forward.
If we can do these projects....SO CAN YOU!!!

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